Why Comedy, Why Now?

Our thinking and ethos

When Web 2.0 was introduced to the world, most didn’t understand it and no one could fathom the endless applications that were to come. Many of the oligarchy industries are trying to maintain control of institutions they’ve profited from for decades. They are slow too change because they don’t understand the technology and that their money is tied into archaic legacy business models.

The Meta Comedy Club is embarking on a comedic journey into Web 3.0 via the Metaverse. We are at the forefront of a technology revolution and are preparing to launch the 1st exclusive comedy club in the Metaverse. Between our utilities, our partnership with comics, and our awesome holders, we cannot fail to make the Metaverse laugh.

It's just the beginning!

92% of organizers have shifted to virtual events in 2021, with 94% planning for virtual events in 2022, and 48% planning to increase the number of virtual events they host next year.

75% of attendees are committed to the vision of the organizers, and say they will attend virtual events even after in-person events have fully resumed. 84% of patrons would like to always have an online option available to them, so that they can attend any event as a virtual/remote attendee if they choose. (Kaltura)

Before the pandemic, the global events industry was expected to be worth $1.1 trillion in 2018. And, is predicted to grow to $2.3 trillion by 2026. (Allied Market Research)

We see an opportunity for a niche market. Projects such as NFTWorlds, Worldwide Web, and Sandbox are at the forefront of new businesses and ecosystems. Many projects are focused on the play to earn model of these environments, but play extends beyond just video games...

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